CNMI Multi-Agency Inspection Team (CMAIT)

DCRM Enforcement has moved away from a set “Task-Force” concept and towards a more diverse multi-agency “Inspection Team” format. Due to the difficulties in establishing, a “Task-Force” which would have a set format with monthly or quarterly meetings we have selected to move to an inspection team that would be selected based on the permit of a given project. This format has shown improved collaboration between agencies with greater inspection participation. This new inspection team format has proven to be more effective by having a multi-agency report to submit to initiate a joint agency enforcement action.

DCRM Enforcement shall continue its collaboration with the MINA Ranger’s which, has increased enforcements public visibility resulting in reduced action time and overall reduction in detected violation.

MAIT Forms & Resources

CNMI Multi-Agency Inspection Team Guideline

CMAIT Standard Operating Procedures

CMAIT Inspection Checklist

CMAIT Inspection Report Template

CMAIT Project Timeline-Milestones



Participating Agencies:

Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Zabrina Shai Cruz, Director
Gualo Rai Center, Saipan
Telephone No. (670) 664-8500
Fax No. (670) 664-8540
RepresentatIve: Merrill Ayuyu

CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: Valerie Hofshneider/Ian Iriarte

Department of Lands & Natural Resources (DLNR)
Anthony T. Benavente, Secretary
Lower Base, Saipan
Telephone No. (670)322-9834
Fax No. (670) 322-2633
Representative: Gus Kaipat

 CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: TBD

Department of Public Works (DPW)
James A. Ada, Secretary
Oleai Center, Beach Road, Saipan
Telephone No. (670) 234-9828
Fax No. (670) 234-6346
Representative: Edwin Tmarsel

CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: Isagani Salazar/John Peter Sablan

Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC)
Gary P. Camacho, Executive Director
Joeten Dandan Building, Saipan
Telephone No. (670) 664-6164
Fax No. (670) 664-6169
Representative: Yvonne Ogumoro

 CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: TBD

Historic Preservation Office (HPO)
Rita Chong-Dela Cruz, State Historic Preservation Officer 
Lower Miha House No. A16, Saipan
Telephone No. (670) 664-2120/1
Fax No. (670) 664-2139
Representative: Juan Diego Palacios


CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: Juan Diego Palacios/Lufo Babauta

Mariana Islands Nature Alliance
Roberta K. Guerrero, Executive Director
Gualo Rai Center II, Saipan
Phone: (670) 233-7333

CMAIT Lead Inspector/Alternate: Wayne Dawe/Joseph Nekaifes

Division of Coastal Resources Management (DCRM) – CRM Agency Board Chair
Richard V. Salas, Director
Gualo Rai Center, Saipan
Phone: (670) 664-8300
Fax: (670) 664-8315

 CMAIT Lead Coordinator: Julius Reyes